This generator takes actual Korean names and generates a surname and given name. It gives the "Hangeul (pronunciation) Hanja - meaning" for each surname and Hangeul (pronunciation) for each given name.
It's advisable to know some hangeul or have a hangeul chart when using this generator.
Everything is in revised Korean. ㅜㅠ are represented by u and yu and ㅓㅕ by eo and yeo. Small exceptions apply such as more common usage.
Please do research after you generate the name. I am not responsible for your mishaps.
The Erumy link by default has the surname Kim which will give you the widest result. If you would like information on how to read Erumy results and how it works, please look at the resources at the bottom.
If you want more information on how Korean naming works, please look at: Korean Naming System
Currently, there are 477 clans missing from the database probably because the Korean government records online only date from about the year 2000 (Adoptee bon'gwan are missing, for example). I don't know which ones. However, with 3,701 in the database, it should give you an idea of the variety.
Slight disclaimer here... some of the clans were created after 1985, 2000, etc according to the SOUTH Korean government records. Do your research and check the dates. And this is only South Korean records. I do not have access to the North Korean. It will not always apply to North Korea. You'll have to do independent research on that. BTW, Not all bon'gwan have jokbo (Jokbo is more a Joseon thing--I do not have access to Joseon records on family registry or names--that would take a different generator and lots more patience and knowledge of Old Korean I don't have). And yes, the Koreans that came from other locales after 1985 are still "legit" Korean.