
Short Term Objectives:
- Translate the original text of Jeon Woochi into English.
- Debug the UX on the translator. (Crowd-sourcing translation for books has not been done yet).

Long Term objectives:
- Overturn intercountry stereotypes of each other so countries can define themselves through their own body of literature rather than by what the publishers think will sell, which is often to those stereotypes.
- Fix Google Translate! Come up with a better system of translating languages. Chomsky's work clearly shows that grammar matters and that individual words are not the best way to translate a language. In the long term we wish to fix that. Literature through poetry, fiction, nonfiction mass translated is the best way to track that.

Promotion: Hulu, Netflix, soompi, viki.com, soompi.com, publishers, agents, editors, DiversityinSFF

Level Plan A: What's needed to launch the project for Indiegogo.
1. Need the programmer. √
2. Need the book. √
3. Need the translators.
--Need a Main translator.√
4. Need the Mods. √
5. Need the editors.√
6. Need the organized business plan.√
7. Need the funds.

Level Plan B: Starting the Website/features
1. Translate Jeon Woochi into English.
2. Features of the first website model:
- Book translator.
- Translator and editor notes.
- Front page with administration.
- Compendium for translators.
- Project thread. (No up or down vote).
- Staff Project thread.
- Project Bible (oxford comma, yes or no, what type of romanization, etc)
- Automatic credits to manager, translators, moderators, Editors.
- Documentation (Help Center)
- About Us Page√
- Company Policy√
- Twitter√
- Website name√
- Website colors/branding.√
- Member pages (Private Music will be not allowed.) with private messaging.
- Tracking of own translations. (Whether they were corrected or not and how).
- Advertising free for book translation members for two months.
- Faq
- video tutorial
- Make bug reporting dead easy.
3. Find long term sponsors and advertisers/partners for the website to fund the website. Targeted advertising for other sites: Soompi, viki, etc.
4. Start creating the app.
5. Hook in an academic publisher to handle distribution.
ETA: Sept-February

Level Plan C: Add features

  1. Find more books to translate in public domain, expand to a handful of projects. Maybe a few outside of fiction.
  2. Ability to create a team name with survey.
  3. Start selling the public domain books for cheap as Kindle. 2.99
  4. Start a project list for suggestions.
  5. Expand language list.
  6. Hook in professors.
  7. Ability to lock translations for Main translators/Language moderators.
  8. Age restrictions on certain books. (i.e. 1-12, 13-18, 19 and up cued by year to restrict liability of the website.)
  9. Team finder search engine
  10. Block edit wars through programming.
  11. Block third degree translations. A translation of a translation of a translation.
  12. Create a site announcement board.
  13. Start Blog.
  14. Staff needed: Funds manager/collector (CFO) and more programmers.
  15. Spoiler tags
  16. Limited timed editing.

Level Plan D

    1. See if I can get government interest into helping with exportation of books and licenses.
    2. Get a licensed book and be able to purchase it, especially if it a good tie in with viki.com. Cross promotion would be helpful.
    3. Expand to outside of Korea.
    4. Expand staff
    People trained in social sciences to fill in the Super Moderator team. Maybe tied to the UX and HR teams.
    More Programmers
    Marketing planner
    Aquisitions manager
    In-house translators
    in-house editors
    5. Favorites System to keep track of books the reader has read and wants updates on. Opt in mail notification system. (Opt-in only).

Level Plan E
1. Stabilize the company and check on finances.
2. Make an app to manage books online.
3. See if we can insert a dictionary to look up words more easily.
4. Attract authors to speak on the website and do interviews.
5. Include a favorite quote after the book is clicked to finish.
Allow passing users to suggest a better translation to the main translator after the book is finished and allow the main translator to click yes or no. (No response after X amount of time gets a no).
6. Automatically include stats of word counts and other errata for users to see.
7. Allow for surveys and mini contests on the website. (Up reader appreciation and fan interaction with book translators (create empathy between the groups.).

Level Plan F
1. Print run to paper?
2. Institute the phrase translator to keep track of phrases that are frequently translated the same with similar words. -->How to fix Google translate.
3. Look into Manga, Manhwa and comic book translator.
- Full screen mode for manhwa, manhua and manga
- double pages as appears in original rather than a single page.
-- --> forward one page.
-- <-- back one page.
-- Shift+=/ equal or plus sign is zoom in.
-- Shift + - is zoom out.
-- down arrow down the page if zoomed in.
-- up arrow up the page
-- zoom in
-- move mouse, menu pops up at the top with options to escape, etc.
- ability to change language at the menu at the top and change chapter, page number, zoom in, zoom out (Limited percentage), back and next (hover over the buttons to see shortcuts)
- bottom will show group name and culture notes, which you can turn on and off at the top.
- esc to exit
- Our advantage is that we would get the original pages, so there would be no gap on two page spreads.
- Full screen mode for books
- Single page,
- zoom in
- zoom out
- facing page can be a different language.
- language can be indented in and have a different language in between the lines for comparison.
- hover over a word to get the matching sentence.
- esc to exit.
4. Consider editor app to help the editors.
5. Program in Chomsky's ideas of language to give help to automatic translator with human help on sequence of verbs, nouns, etc in expected and the difference between colloquial v. formal grammar structure.

Charity Ideas

- Translation of Adoptee and Birth Parent letters, using the translation program.
- Donation to poor public libraries, school and college libraries. Run it as a contest or a drive once business is stable? If donated, then the funding should be transparent.
- Help with Prison Library program.
- Help All diversity writers by giving funds to new diversity writers no matter what the demographic.